Friday, November 18, 2011

Ivy league transfer, do i have hope? please help?

my hs gpa is pretty low.. around 3.0 with 1 AP and several IBs, my sat is arount 1700, but i'm retaking it this december, hopefully it will reach around 2200. i have done a lot of activities during high school, varsity softball, varsity basketball, varsity volleyball manager, president of senior class, treasurer for sport committee, several community services and member of clubs

i'm currently attending 4 years college as a freshmen and hoping to transfer to an ivy league next fall, my first term grade is in high rank between B+ to A with micro class, business class, high calculus math class and chinese class.

also my first cousin was an alumni in u. penn wharton school.

Do i stand a chance in transfering to ivy school?

o and i forgot to mention that my junior in hs messed everything up because i was going to concentrate on science, but it wasn't right for me, so i turned to economics and business in senior year dropping m

Ivy league transfer, do i have hope? please help?
Sorry, but my answer hasn't changed since you asked the same question yesterday. No, the Ivies take very few transfers, and those they take must have near-perfect records. Yours doesn't qualify. All the great activities in the world don't substitute for a mediocre high school record. On the bright side, you would probably be miserable at an Ivy League School. There are lots of other places from which to launch a good life, and you would be better suited to one of those.
Reply:Probably not! Although it does depend a bit on what school you are now at.

Try one tier below the Ivies, like Tufts or Emory

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