Monday, April 27, 2009

How-to keep English Ivy weed free?

There was a previous question regarding english ivy, and I am award that english ivy is considered invasive, but I have a large very steep hill in my back yard that works well with ivy. I also keep the ivy trimmed 3 ft from my fence to keep it from going into my neighbors yards.

That being said, my issue is that I have many other plants growing up through the ivy including wild roses, rasberries, virginia creeper, bamboo, and others. I would like to simply have the ivy and nothing else on the hill. I've been trying to weed the hill but it is very steep and difficult to keep up. Is there a specific product (herbicide or defoliant) or method (other than weeding) I can use to keep the english ivy but prevent the rest?

How-to keep English Ivy weed free?
For the very aggressive weed-brush, such as bamboo and wild roses, you can use a 'Brush-B-Gone' sort of product. Lay some burlap or heavy (not to be used again) bed sheets down over the ivy, and spray the foliage of the plants to be killed with the herbicide. This will require repeated use, but eventually (over the course of years) the brush will be permanently killed. Be sure to let it die back from the chemical. Give it at least 7-10 days before you cut it to the ground. Don't pull, sometimes roots that are left behind will lead to more plants, rather than one weaker one. Spray as needed.

There is a 'smart bomb' product that can kill weeds without killing your ivy. Ortho sells it as 'Grass-B-Gone'... though I personally like the Ferti-Lome product called 'Over-the-Top'. Both recommend a trial area, to be sure it doesn't kill your groundcover. Both are expensive (comparatively), but they save you huge amounts of time and frustration. Neither will kill brush, just herbaceous weeds and grasses. The Box stores (Home Depot and the like) probably don't carry these products, you'll have to go to your local independent garden center or nursery.

Good luck

I hope that this helps
Reply:Weeding is the only way. Herbicides generally kill all in their path. Unfortunately, your weeds within the ivy are also very invasive and you may have a jungle on your hands if you can't weed out the others (bamboo is the fastest growing invasive plant on earth). It's too bad, because ivy is lovely on a banked hill.

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