Friday, November 18, 2011

Is the Ivy League worth it? Whats the Best Ivy League school?

would attending a school with a prestigeous name, such as one in the ivy league, have benefits in the business world that outweigh the large cost? Whats the best Ivy league school to attend... personal experience would be greatly appreciated.

Is the Ivy League worth it? Whats the Best Ivy League school?
From my twin brother's experience and what he has explained to me, it seems to matter more where you went to Graduate School (post-undergraduate).

He went to Swarthmore (a prestigous, small college in PA) and then Harvard for 1 1/2 years. That Graduate degree from Harvard, so he tells me, impressed all of the places where he has worked.

Top schools in the US-- Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, Stamford, University of PA, Columbia.

The Ivy League schools are expensive! Harvard costs approx. $50,000 a year (including room and board,etc.)

That's $200,00 for 4 years. Since college costs dramatically seem to rise each year, it could cost more.

Unless your family can pay this, expect to take out student loans and re-pay most of your life.

I would go to a state school in your home state, even if it is for a couple of years and then transfer out.

My brother (the one who went to Harvard) is a college-bound guidance counselor for a prestigious high school. He says over and over again that you can get just as good of a college education in a state college as you can in an ivy league or private college. You will also save a ton of money.
Reply:I believe you get out of an education whatever you put into it. You can flunk out of Yale and you can flunk out of a public university. Someone who makes C's in an ivy league school may learn less than someone who makes A's in a public school. You can spend your time partying or studying. Its all what you make of it.

I think its up to you whether or not you want to attend a school with a large price tag, but prestigious name. The most important thing is that the school is a fit for you, which may be an ivy league school or not. Don't base this decision on just the impressive name.
Reply:I heard grammar benefits you in the business world. You will need get at least a C in that basic English class you take in order to have a chance to excel in the business world. So, I would say you would have a better investment buying a spatula and a grill, maybe some hamburgers to practice for your career at McDonalds.
Reply:The best Ivy League school would probaly be Harvard, followed by Yale and Prinston. I think it is worth it to go to a Ivy league school, once you try to get a job they will look at what school you whent to and you will probaly get a higher salary if you whent to Harvard and Prinston.

and no, I don't think its worth it..

Honestly, my family makes over 250grand a year..and I still decided (and still attending) community college..
Reply:if you plan on being an atty or

working for a fortune 500 firm,

their HR depts get a kick out of

Ivy League grads. I know of no one

else who cars.

I sure don't care.

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