Monday, November 16, 2009

Poison Ivy prevention HELP!?

No matter what I do I always get posion ivy during the summer. I don't go near it or touch it but I still get it. My doctor told me that If I pass by a posion ivy leaf and its in the air I may get it. Also I have 2 dogs so if they rub against it then I pet them I may get it. I use the Teknu cleanser when I see a small rash on me or if I know I came into contact with it to get the posion oil off my body. I still get it though. Does anyone know of any thing I can do to prevent from even getting it? Is there a medication I can take durinf the summer or rememdies??? Help I'm so sick of getting it numerous times every damn summer!

Poison Ivy prevention HELP!?
* An organoclay product called bentoquatam

* Jewelweed

* Antiperspirant or deodorant (organoclay plus aluminum chlorohydrate)

* Product called "Ivy Shield" (organoclay)

* Linoleic acid dimers

* Rhus toxicodendron homeopathic pills

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