Saturday, November 14, 2009

POSION IVY? please help!?

i think i have posion ivy...its this really itchy red area on my face but its not acne. now my mom is itchy too. could somebody who has had posion ivy tell me some of the symptoms/how to cure? i am going to the docter tomorrow but until then...?

POSION IVY? please help!?
Go and buy IVY Dry, it should be in CVS or some other drugstores, and it works
Reply:It can be poison ivy, poison oak, a bacterial infection, a fungus, many things.

Calamine lotion with pain relief, two bottles!!
Reply:Symptoms? A bumpy, red rash with a maddening itch

It is an allergic reaction to the plant. It will clear up on its own, but you have to manage the itch so you don't scratch yourself up and get a bacterial infection as well.


Homeopathic : Rhus Tox

OTC: Calamine lotion, Gold Bond cream, hydrocortisone cream, witch hazel

Rx: prednisone, stronger hydrocortisone

Editorial comment: I hate prednisone and will avoid it an any cost. I had a negative experience with it in the past.

Reply:rub plain white vinegar on it. this will help dry it up and you can try neosporin to relieve the itch.
Reply:Generally poison ivy gets bumps. If you look on-line there is a ton of pictures readily available to compare it to.

As for treatment, There's many over the counter products, they all work more or less. I recommend a product to wash off any more oils and then a cream type to put on the rash to help with the itching.

I get poison ivy just by thinking about it an have tried every OTC med available and several Rx's. Non seem to work all the time to I alternate. Your going to the Doc already so he will tell you more, if it is poison ivy.

Good Luck!
Reply:Calamine lotion.
Reply:poison ivy starts out as a rash with little bumps but then little blisters form. They break and clear fluid comes out. Very contagious. Be careful as you can spread it to ANY Where on your body!

You might have oak or sumac instead . It is wise to go to your doctor. Have you tried calamine lotion or another over the counter anti itch /drying agent to help with the itch?

Also take an antihistmine such as Benedryl
Reply:Ok...first things first go to the store and buy u some cream for ur posion ivy problem...if that doesn't work go to the doctors and tell him u don't have "ZITS' but u need some solution.
Reply:Calomine lotion at the drug store. But I doubt that it's poison ivy. You have to be touching the plant, so normally you get it around the bottom of your legs.
Reply:I think it might be poison oak not poison ivy. I suggest you get some cream at the pharmacy. Or youse sun burn cream aloe can help since its a natural caiming cream.

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