Monday, November 16, 2009

Poison ivy?

i have had poison ivy on my leg for about 8 days now, and i am using a cream to prevent the iching, but i got the urge to itch it, but its oozing stuff. what is this stuff? and is it natral for poison ivy? and is it a good or bad thing?

Poison ivy?
What is oozing is a bodily product - probably serum. It is normal in people who are unusually reactive to poison ivy. It will not spread the rash nor is it contagious. The rash is an allergic reaction to urushiol, the oil in all parts of the poison ivy plant. Urushiol is not soluble in water, so it is hard to wash it off. It is, however, soluble in alcohol, so if you contact poison ivy again, clean the part of you that came in contact with it with alcohol.

Urushiol can also be carried in the smoke of burning plants, so don't try burning away the plant, and be careful not to allow any to start growing around your firewood.

The best way to avoid problems with poison ivy is to learn to recognize it and stay away from it. It's a pretty weak plant and can be killed with any of numerous prodcuts sold in hardware and home improvement stores.
Reply:Ur anti itching cream ur using is not working at all. Ask ur physician about TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE OINTMENT this really works for me its like putting a skin barrier on ur skin and doesnt even burn or whatsoever. You can only get this tru prescription.
Reply:Baby, do I have a cure for you!! An elderly man in an old tack shop noticed I had a poison ivy rash on my leg and arms. He said to dig up a poke root, wash it, cut it up into pieces, and boil it until the root is mushy and the water turns brown. Then put the liquid on the rash and let it dry. He said this is a Cherokee cure, and that it cured most rashes. I did this, and it worked! Overnight!! Now, it burned like crazy, but just for a minute or two, but it really worked. That oozing stuff is as poison as the plant - wherever it touches your skin, you will break out in a fresh bout of rash. Your cream isn't working. Try the poke root. Seriously, it worked so well that I poured the mushy root and tinted water into ice trays, froze it, and put the cubes in freeze bags so I will have it available at all times! If not, you probably need to try some different creams. If you go to a doctor, he will give you steroids - which is worse for your body than the rash. Feel better soon.
Reply:Ozonated Olive Oil is supposed to work great for poison ivy. I use it for insect bites and it works great. It says on the jar that it works for poison ivy too. So you might give it a try. I found the best price at
Reply:the stuff is the urushol oil that your body absorbed, whatever you do dont itch it! i am highly allergic, and i got it last year, i was practically bathing in poison oak (i live on west coast)

and i had it so bad. its been exactally a year, monday when i first broke out in a rash that covered my entire body, it was such a bad case, that i got another case of it on monday, i havnt even seen poison oak since last year, so, you can understand how bad it is. just hang in there, dont itch, use lots of calamine lotion. the oil secretion is a good thing. that means your rash is almost up, just wrap it in a towel, or gauze, and change it every once and a while, so it dosnt stick and get crusty and infect your rash. take it easy. just take extra precautions to not touch the "ooze" because it will spread the rash everywhere.
Reply:Well now that you're "oozing" it's almost over with. When you come in contact with poison Ivy you get the rash and then it blisters. It's just how it runs its course. The only thing you can do now is try and stay comfortable till it passes. Try an antihistamine like benadryl... which could give you come comfort for the itching. And to help it dry up you can make a baking soda paste (baking soda and water) and just spread it on. Aveeno (oatmeal bath is good too.) Soak in a cool tub... that will also help with the itching. And use calamine lotion... or caladryl... it's the same thing as calamine except it has a medication in it to help stop the itching, where as calamine is only to dry it up. So anyway, give them a shot you have nothing to lose. You just have to wait it out... it's similar to chicken pox.. you'll feel a 1000 times better when they dry up. Make sure you avoid heat (the sun, hot bath/shower) it will irritate the inflames skin and make it worse. You could even rub ice on your skin. But all you can do is try and dry it out. AND about the "oozing" fluid... if you itch it or if someone touches it... it will NOT spread... it's not contagious... if you don't believe me go google it. You can only get it from coming in direct contact with the urushiol oil (the blisters don't contain it)

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