Friday, November 13, 2009

Ivy League Entrance?

I know my chances to get into a good Ivy League school my

not be very high, but I want others opinions on this.

I am currently in grade nine at a good public school, my GPA is above a 4.0, but I am in no honors classes this year.

I am enrolled in Honors English for next year, and my math level is currently College Prepatory.

I want peoples opnions of my chances of getting into an Ivy league school granted I keep my straight A's and all of my extra cirriculars.

Ivy League Entrance?
Make yourself stand out. The point of applying is to make the colleges want you. They already know that you are interested in them.

If you want to be really impressive go for something big like the Junior Olympics or something. Ivy League schools go for impressive stuff like forming a national charity or something. "More than the everyday high school stuff".

They also like seeing people challenge themselves, but don't over do it. Like, take AP classes, if you can, but keep in mind the difference what you can actually handle and killing yourself. (Ex: "My school has one of the hardest AP programs in the world because we go beyond the AP material CollegeBoard expects. This explains why my AP US History grade was so poor, thus jeopordizing my GPA".)
Reply:In order to prepare yourself best to get into an Ivy League college I suggest you take all AP classes. Also don't forget to volunteer alot and do extracurricular activities and it wouldn't hurt if you excelled in sports as I did. I was fortunate enough to be very good at baseball and had a 4.8 weighted GPA due to all my AP classes.
Reply:If you keep straight A's AND do well on the SAT AND do at least some extra curricular activities, you should get in.

Paying for it is another matter....
Reply:well to give you a general ref...i took 4 honors classes frosh year, 5 soph, 3 hon 3 apjunior, and 2 hon 4 ap senior year...i have around a 4.4, 4.5 weighted, and got in teh 99th percentile on both acts and i do a lot of extracurrics and have won 3 or 4 nattioal awards....i got rejected by 3 ivies (harvard, yale, columbia); accepted into cornell and waitlisted at dartmouth and brown

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