Friday, May 21, 2010

How do i kill poison ivy plants?

How do i kill poison ivy plants without using round up? Because it is so toxic? We live on 40acres of woods. MY brother has poison ivy and sumac, and it was a real wake up call for us to be more cautious. Does anyone know how to kill poison ivy and/or sumac and oak plants without using something as toxic as Round up? That would be great! Thank you!

How do i kill poison ivy plants?
Actually RoundUp is not a dangerous product. Any that is not absorbed by the leaves starts to biodegrades as soon as it is sprayed.

We have used it in concentrated form for poison ivy with great success. Otherwise the only really effective way is to remove it by digging up the roots. This is not a fun job.

Go ahead and use the RoundUp, it is really safe. I know there are those who rant against any chemical but we have used RoundUp for over 12 years and the plant, animal, bird and insect population on our property is more abundant now than when we purchased the property.
Reply:My Dad is really allergic to poison Ivy so I can share with you our experience. We wear gloves and cut the the plants off at the bottom of the plant. Then we spray with round up. The round up kills everything
Reply:Used motor oil in a spray bottle. spray onto the leaves and it will cause them to die. Remember to re-spray as new leaves grow it will take some time but it will work


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