Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ivy League?

Could anyone tell me how my transcript for college should look like if i want to get accepted by an ivy league school? i.e. sat scores, class rank, gpa, extra currics?

Ivy League?
To be qualified to get into an Ivy League school, you should have an unweighted GPA of 3.8, a weighted GPA over 4.0, lots of AP and Honors classes, SAT scores in the 2200+ range, lots of extracurriculars, a good interview and a killer admissions essay.

Being qualified is not enough. Harvard only accepts about 8% of applicants. If half are qualified (and I suspect tht the true number is greater), then 84% of qualified applicants are rejected.

you need to stand out. Lots of people talk about doing this with extracurriculars. But the fact is that they are easily padded and hard to verify. Therefore, I doubt tht they count as much as people think. That means that your interview and admissions essay are critical.
Reply:u pretty much have to have everything perfect and even that won't gaurentee you a spot.
Reply:It is hard to get into Ivy League schools. One thing that helps is to take advantage of summer college programs before your senior year or be willing to start in the summer. I went to Cornell summer college, and I think this definately helped me to be accepted there. GPA should be almost a 4.0. I had a lot of volunteer projects, sports, president of student council, etc. and a 1300 sat score (old scoring). Work hard and it could be possible. You may get put on a waiting list, or have a guaranteed transfer for the next year. Apply early!!! Also if you have your heart set on a certain school, applying for early admission increases your chances of getting in (early admission means that if accepted you must attend that school though). Good luck!!!
Reply:Considering Harvard rejected 1,200 kids with PERFECT SAT scores, I'd say you better look BEYOND the obvious!

You have to REALLY impress them!

Or be an upper 1% disenfranchised individual.

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