Sunday, May 16, 2010

Does poisen ivy look like bug bites? PLEASE HELP ASAP?

I'm very allergic to bee stings and bug bites (not deadly allergic-sensitive). but tonight i might have stumbled into some poisen ivy and everywhere that itches looks like a bite- not a mosquito bite- bigger., Is it poisen ivy and can i do anything to make it stop or prevent it from spreading?

Does poisen ivy look like bug bites? PLEASE HELP ASAP?
The surest way to identify poison ivy for the non-medical person is that it keeps getting worse, especially if you have sensitive skin. Everytime my daughters have had it, it starts out looking like bug bites (usually in a line or concentrated in one area), but within a day or so will start to spread out and cover most of the infected area and begins to make the skin look leathery. If you suspect it is poison ivy, you should treat it.

The oil on the plant (urushiol) is what causes the reaction, and it can't be washed off with soap and water. There is an over the counter product called ZANFEL which will wash off the oil if used correctly. It make take 1-3 applications to work completely, but it should stop the itching immediately. A few months ago, my daughter had a patch of poison ivy that was covering her whole cheek and part of her ear - the Zanfel improved it imediately - within 24 hours it was barely visible. You can also take Benadryl - in addition to the Zanfel

Zanfel is about $30 a tube, but it works better than anything else I have seen. Your local pharmacy will have it over the counter.

As for your contacts, it is hard to say. I think it is probably OK to take them out, trying as hard as you can not to touch any part of your eye. If you have latex gloves that would be best. I think you can buy them in most pharmacies. Or someone else can help you take them out - I used to help my daughter with hers all the time. It sort of depends on how allergic you are. I can roll around in poison ivy and not have a reaction, but if my Mom gets within 3 feet of it she breaks out all over. Different people have different sensitivities, and the more sensitive to it you are, the worse it is likely to get.

Again, OTC Zanfel is the best thing I have found, but you do have to read the directions and use it correctly. Good luck!

Here's more info:
Reply:Im an expert at this. I get poison ivy about 3 times each summer. Ok poison ivy gets red on the skin. it kinda looks like a blister. it has a tiny tiny red spot in the middle and it feels like a blister. it usually has prickers in with it so if it has scratches and all of what i said above it poison ivy and in fact i think i have it right now lemme check.....yep poision ivy on my arm

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